In a world awash with CTC teabag teas it is perhaps refreshing to find that Teacraft is now specialising in the more traditional orthodox tea manufacture process and particularly we are encouraging and supporting artisanal and hand-made tea making. Crafting tea is at the heart of the specialty tea movement and in recent years we have worked with and advised on hand crafting tea in the Republic of Georgia, Malawi, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Zimbabwe, UK and USA.

So much has the interest in hand crafting increased that in May 2015 we appointed Beverly-Claire Wainwright as a Teacraft Associate Consultant to advise and teach clients to hand craft teas. Beverly worked for four years at Amba Tea Estate in the Uva region of Sri Lanka developing and producing exquisite new specialty teas that she marketed to Fortnum & Mason, Claridges Hotel, and Harney & Sons Fine Teas.

But as well as helping to make fine specialty teas Teacraft is also advising on growing it. In the USA alone we advise small tea farmers in Alabama, Hawaii, Michigan, and Mississippi, and even in the UK we have tea growing clients in Scotland and Wales. This year we sourced 150,000 tea seeds for US based small tea farmers and we are co-founder of the US League of Tea Growers.

So, if your dream is to be a small specialty tea producer and you need any help to achieve your plans, best call on Teacraft expertise.