There is a general strike which was initiated by the Gorkha movement in response to government measures which are contrary to their way of life (enforcing Bengali as the language in local schools), the Gorkha’s are now pushing for and Independent Gorkhaland. This started early June, and is shows no signs of being resolved. It has led to riots which are causing damage, and now appears to be spreading. I have seen reports today which suggest it is spreading to the Dooars area of the West Bengali foothills. All the tea gardens of Darjeeling have been closed. This means there has been no tea production for that last month. The Second Flush Darjeeling crop is probably lost and some reports suggest the Monsoon crop is now being impacted. It is difficult to get news out of Darjeeling at the moment as the internet has been cut off and so communication is limited.
This will see Darjeeling prices rise and the quality of future crops change, some gardens have suffered in addition to the neglect of bushes.
For a bit of historical background reading click here
First published by Nothing but Tea Ltd on 15th July 2017